Autumn Equinox hike at Togamidake 砥上岳 2021/9/23
It's the Autumn Equinox the day when the day and night are the same length and it marks the beginning of Autumn when the nights will be longer than the days until the Spring equinox next year.We went to Togamidake for a next half day out enjoying the mountain and then heading to michi no eki (道の駅 筑前みなみの里) in Chikuzen for some lunch and fresh locally made soft cream.
I took a new route down which is a real hiking trail but unfortunately not included on Yamap. You can download this my route if you want to follow it. This is a lovely area to light hike and enjoy the rural atmosphere. Sometimes it takes a few repeat hikes to work out the best trail. I think this is the best way to approach Togamidake. It is also easy to do from Chikuzen-Yamae station 筑前山家駅 check out the past hikes on the mountains index page.
Click on the title or here for the route map and more images